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3 Steps to Heating a Covered Patio

Updated: 9/10/2019 | Want more? Sign up to our email list today. | ©

When it comes to choosing the perfect heater for your covered patio, you’ll want to follow these steps:

Step 1: Measure Your Space

First, you’ll want to measure the size of the area you want to heat. If you only sit in one corner of the patio, you won’t need to heat as large a space and may only need one standing heater to effectively keep yourself cozy on cool mornings or evenings. If you have dinner parties where you expect to have a lot of guests, you’ll want to heat the entire patio and will most likely need to look for larger-scale heating solutions. Keep the purpose of your space in mind when choosing which heater you’ll need for it.

Ceiling-mounted heaters can effectively spread heat between six and fourteen feet, depending on the environment they are placed in. “Mushroom” heaters can spread heat in a twelve to twenty-foot circumference! If you are heating a large space and require more than one heater, it is recommended that you let the area affected by each heater overlap slightly to ensure even heating and avoid cold spots. Please measure your space and call in to receive guidance from one of our patio specialists if you aren’t sure what you need.

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Step 2: Check Your Access to Power

Next, you’ll need to consider what type of power you’ll use for your heating—electricity or gas.

Electric heaters are easier to install and require less clearance than gas heaters. Some electric heaters also have infrared technology, which heats up objects and people rather than heating the air, giving you more control over the heating of the space. Electric heaters produce zero emissions, odors, or noises; they are safer to operate and easier to maintain than gas heaters, as they have no valves, ignition components, burners, or other moving parts that require maintenance or repairs. Electric heaters come with a variety of control options for temperature variables and provide better wind defense than gas heaters. However, though they cost less upfront, they do cost more to operate per hour than gas heaters. For professional installation, call an electrician. Many people prefer the aesthetic design of electric heaters as opposed to the industrial look of gas heaters.

Electric heaters come with a variety of control options for temperature variables and provide better wind defense than gas heaters. However, though they cost less upfront, they do cost more to operate per hour than gas heaters. For professional installation, call an electrician.

Natural gas heaters must be in an open or ventilated area; make sure at least one side of your patio is open to allow proper ventilation. Gas heaters will also need more clearance space than electric heaters, though the exact amount of space needed will vary based on the product itself, how close it would be to a combustible object, etc. Due to this, gas heaters are more commonly seen in commercial settings as many residences do not have the proper clearances for safe installation. Because gas heaters draw power from gas, you will need to have an existing gas line for these permanent fixtures. Overall, gas heaters produce more heat for less energy, and though they cost more to set up you will save money on operation costs over the long term when compared with electric heaters. For professional installation, call an HVAC technician/plumber.

Overall, gas heaters produce more heat for less energy, and though they cost more to set up you will save money on operation costs over the long term when compared with electric heaters.

There is a final option for those who want something more versatile to heat their space: portable heaters. Like gas heaters, these heaters require clearance and a safe distance from flammable objects. However, because they are powered by a small tank of gas, these heaters can be moved to wherever they are needed. Many of the heaters themselves are equipped with wheels to help you get them where they need to be, and are ideal for cafes and restaurants with seasonal outdoor seating. Many portable heaters run on natural gas cylinders, but there are also electric options available. Make sure you check which power source your desired portable heater uses.

Step 3: Find a Place to Mount

Finally, the location of the heater will help determine what kind of heater will best fit your space. If you like the idea of a mounted heater but don’t have a space set up for one, you can create a mounting area by installing a pole. One of the greatest benefits of a portable heater is its mobility, but if you have a set area that you need to heat, you may prefer a permanently mounted solution. Distance from outlets and/or natural gas lines should be considered, as well as minimum clearance requirements from all combustible objects (including but not limited to: wood, lattice, umbrellas, awnings/shades, walls, etc.). Different brands and heaters have different requirements that vary based on size, strength, and fuel source, so make sure you understand the space you have to work with before installing a heater to make sure it’s safe to operate. Our specialists can help you determine the best fit for your space to make sure that you (or your customers) can be safe and comfortable on your patio year-round!

To summarize:

  • Electric Heaters produce fewer emissions, are easier to install, and are safer and easier to operate and maintain.
  • Natural Gas Heaters produce more heat for less energy and cost less to operate in the long run.
  • Portable Heaters can be moved wherever you need heat, and there are both natural gas and electric portable heaters.

Different brands and heaters have different requirements that vary based on size, strength, and fuel source, so make sure you understand the space you have to work with before installing a heater to make sure it’s safe to operate. Our specialists can help you determine the best fit for your space to make sure that you (or your customers) can be safe and comfortable on your patio year-round!

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